Toddler Child Care
15 months – 2 years
Toddlers = Energy! Our highly-trained teachers know how to channel all that enthusiasm into learning through play; whether it’s climbing, catching or crawling to support motor skills development, encouraging language development through reading and conversation, or opening their eyes to discovering new shapes and colors. Our teachers focus on your child’s development with a personalized lesson plan and engage them each day in ways that help with their physical, cognitive, social/emotional, and language needs.
Our personalized toddler curriculum includes:

Spacious classrooms: Our big, open classrooms provide plenty of space for our toddlers to explore freely in a safe, loving environment.

Physical Development: We give our toddlers many opportunities to practice, refine, and master physical skills such as walking, running, throwing a ball, solving a puzzle, coloring or painting a picture.

Cognitive Development: Our staff engages our toddlers in lots of pretend play, exploring daily and special events, and social rules. Encouraging them to interact with the environment and experiment with materials and objects leads to increased learning.

Social/Emotional Development: Our responsive teachers help our toddlers explore their newfound independence as they learn and respond to the feelings of others and how to control their own emotions.

Language Development: Our teachers use many creative ways to help develop your child’s language skills and vocabulary. They range from reading books and short stories, and using descriptive words, to playing music and fingerplays, and introducing them to new words daily.